Monday, May 13, 2013

Video on Developing Maintainable Code with focus on HTML, JavaScript, CSS - Lessons Learned

A very nice video on developing sustainable and maintainable code, with examples focusing on JavaScript and web, but touching concepts applicable on any software development project and any technology.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

LinkedIn Family Design - Technologies and Implementations being used on LinkedIn

Lately I had some available time to catch up on various subjects I was away from due to my day-to-day tasks and technologies.

I found this video interesting due to its contents, how useful it is for real applications, and the available information on how a company such as LinkedIn is currently working.

Installing Ruby on Rails - DevKit and JSON - RubyGems override

After some time I went and installed again Ruby and Ruby on Rails. You can find the installers on the official website here for Ruby and DevKit, and for Ruby on Rails, the installers are here.

General Steps to install Ruby DevKit

  1. Extract downloaded DevKit to a folder inside the main Ruby folder
  2. Go inside the extracted DevKit folder
  3. ruby dk.rb init
  4. ruby dk.rb review
  5. ruby dk.rb install

To install JSON

 gem install json -v '1.7.7'

To install DevKit - This will also write over any previous config and omit any warnings

ruby dk.rb install --force

These solve the error messages I received while trying to install everything on Windows:

ERROR:  Error installing json:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

An error occurred while installing json (1.7.7), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install json -v '1.7.7'` succeeds before bundling.

ruby dk.rb install
[INFO] RubyGems override already in place for <ruby_path>, skipping.
[WARN] DevKit helper library already exists for <ruby_path>, skipping.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Object Oriented Programming vs Functional Programming - Nouns vs Verbs - Analysis

If you are a developer, programmer or interested in these subjects, the following is a very good read to analyze and think about regarding OOP and Functional Programming. Shows a comparison between different languages and paradigms.

I use many languages, and believe that every one of them has advantages and disadvantages, and it always depends the type, size, group of the project to find the right technologies/languages to build it upon.

Having said that, here's the link to the article, "Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns" dated 2006.

Web Developer Nightmare - Development and Business - Xtranormal video